Businesswoman Feature
Patti Baisley
Personal Trainer
"Boot Camp, Group Excercise Classes, 1-1 Client Training, Rehab, and Nutrition Consultations."
About Patti
Patti was born and raised in Wayne, Michigan. Her father was an executive for Ford Motor Company until his death; her mother (91) lives here in Sapulpa on our property and was a flight attendant for American Airlines until age 82. My older brother lives in Washington State and is a retired carpenter and my younger brother is a retired United States Air Force pilot and currently check-rides pilots for American Airlines.
Patti was originally a professional horse-trainer, drove semi trucks across the country, and began a personal training career that has now spanned 25 years. “I am currently a full-time personal trainer working from home where our horse barn was renovated into a gym. I teach boot camp, group exercise classes, 1-1 client training, rehab, and nutrition consultations.”
“I spend my spare time serving at my church, gardening, and practicing martial arts. My husband, Art Baisley, who also does personal training part-time, is the Director of Customer Success for the past 36 years at an educational publishing company. I have 1 step daughter who teaches at school in Charleston, South Carolina with two grandsons ages 22 & 26, and 1 son who lives in Choctaw and works for Boeing while also serving in the USAF Reserves.”
Patti loves to dress herself in sporty/ feminine outfits as well as boots and a good pair of jeans! Her favorite fashion season is Autumn, as she is a fan of a casual look and warm colors.